Register as a Home Tutor In Hazaribagh

Best Home tuition near me in Hazaribagh for class L.K.G-12th

Enroll for home tuition in Hazaribagh, and get connected to an IITian, who will help you in planning your studies. We Provide Home Tutors in Hazaribagh for home Tuition.Get Free Demo Classes in Hazaribagh, Experienced home tutor in Hazaribagh ,Private Tutor in Hazaribagh are well versed in English communication , Reputed Home Tutor in Hazaribagh ,Dedicated home Tutors in Hazaribagh 


Male/Female Home tutors in Hazaribagh for home tuition

Udaan Home Tuition Hazaribagh offers male/female home tutors in Hazaribagh Friends colony, Oreya, Pugmil, Chano, Matwari, Nutan nagar, Hurhuru, Kani bazar, Shivpuri, New area, Okni, Millat Colony, Hirabag, Jhumra, lakhe, Khirgaon ......... Get best home tutor in Hazaribagh for Cbse-Icse board, for all school subjects. 

Top home tutors in Hazaribagh for Home tuition

Udaan Home Tuition has hired top home tutors of Hazaribagh. For every core subjects like Maths Physics chemistry Biology commerce Computer Economic, Sanskrit, iit-jee neet medical Olympiad......... Avail best home tutor in Hazaribagh from Udaan Home tuition. All home tutors in Hazaribagh are highly Qualified, experienced, expertise in their specific subjects, verified by written and interview. 

Enroll for Home tuition, Home tutors in Hazaribagh

We offer Home Tuition in Hazaribagh in all the corners of the city for Class L.K.G to 12th, Cbse-Icse , All Subjects, JEE, NEET ,NTSE Olympiads, Spoken English, Dance, Music , Guitar, Result Oriented, weekly test series, Regular feedback

Female Home Tuition Tutor in Hazaribagh near me

Udaan home tuition Hazaribagh offers experienced Female Home tutors in Hazaribagh. Female Home Tutors or lady home tutor are available in Hazaribagh for home tuition. Female home tutors in Hazaribagh for all subjects, for class Nursery-12th, cbse-Icse board. Lady Home tutor near me in Hazaribagh

Best Home tutor in Hazaribagh for home tuition

Find the most Experienced Home Tutors in Hazaribagh ,Top rated home tutor in Hazaribagh , Best Home tuition service in Hazaribagh. Register now and get connected to an IITian who will help you in your studies.Get Male/Female Home Tutors for home Tuition in Hazaribagh. 


Think home tuition in Hazaribagh , Think Udaan home tutor in Hazaribagh

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Private home tutors are required for Home tuition in Hazaribagh

Udaan Home Tuition Hazaribagh is hiring home tutors for L.k.g-12th Class in Hazaribagh. Interested tutors can call 9155376687, 7870971264 . Udaan home tuition in Hazaribagh does not charge any registration fee from tutors. We offer home tuition in Hazaribagh to tutors around their localities within 2-3 km . Home tutor in Hazaribagh can register free of cost with Udaan.

Home Tuition in Hazaribagh

Job Id - JD50444

Student Name: Ansh Kumar

Class: 8

Subject: Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, English, Hindi, Computer Science, Sanskrit

Board: Cbse

City: Hazaribagh

Location: Noora, Mandai Road, Landmark - Kalyan Kunwar Chowk, Hazaribagh

Frequency: 20 days

Payment: 2000

Apply Now

Job Id - JD50832

Student Name: Prakriti

Class: 8

Subject: Maths

Board: Cbse

City: Hazaribagh

Location: Old check post, hurhuru

Frequency: 20 days in a month

Payment: 3000 monthly

Apply Now

Job Id - JD54483

Student Name: Akshat chourasia

Class: 12

Subject: Math, chemistry,physics

Board: Cbse

City: Hazaribagh

Location: 104 b Block Ganesh apartment khijri Ranchi

Frequency: 20 days

Payment: 3000

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Job Id - JD21806

Student Name: Palak kumari

Class: 12

Subject: Physics and mathematics

Board: Cbse

City: Hazaribagh

Location: Beed banglow

Frequency: Per class

Payment: ₹200

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Home Tutor in Hazaribagh

Udaan ID UD1379
Teacher Name Sonu yadav
Qualification Bachelor of education
Experience 2
Classes Upto 10
Subjects Maths science
City Hazaribagh
Location Annandpuri colony

7870971264or Parent Registration